Welcome Falcons!


Career Day
The Career Day Committee’s charge is to co-sponsor with Harlan Community Academy the activities of this event by securing speakers from various careers and “walks of life”. Selected Speakers will return to the school, once a year, to share with the students their experiences and educational requirements within their respective fields of employment with a particular interest in Harlan Alumni supporting this event. Various educational themes are created for each Career Day, to ensure that the students have a clear understanding of this exceptional learning enhancement and the expectations of what they will discover.
It is anticipated that the students will be provided the opportunity to start evaluating what they want to do in life and using this advantage, hopefully, to assist them in making a tangible impact on their career choices, whether it to be academically, vocationally or entrepreneurship, by what they have gleaned from the presentations.

All Class Reunion Picnic
The All Class Reunion Picnic Committee is responsible for planning social events to promote friendship and camaraderie among alumni. In addition, the committee organizes and supports the alumni reunions and other events for the alumni that are potentially fundraisers. This committee coordinates all aspects of the picnic including permits, insurance, setup, budgets vendors, etc.

Marketing/Social Media/Website
The Marketing Committee’s duties are to disseminate information regarding the JMHAA via the newsletter, website, and social media. The Marketing Committee is responsible for the content and timely distribution of information to alumni for the purpose of increasing participation and membership. The committee manages the website, domain, email, image, and social media accounts for official use by JMHAA. This committee directs the use of any images and statements representative of JMHAA and ensures a consistent and positive media presence online and via print.

The purpose of the Membership Committee is to create and implement plans for the growth of JMHAA’s membership. The Membership Chair is responsible for implementing strategies to recruit new members, retain current members, promote, and achieve awareness of membership benefits. In collaboration with the Marketing Committee, this committee shall develop and maintain informational material that are current, relevant, and consistent in design, message, design and describing benefits of all membership categories as well as supporting the annual membership event.

The charge of the Scholarship Committee is to develop and set criteria to identify students at Harlan Community Academy, who would qualify for a scholarship. They shall solicit applications and recommendations from school administration as part of this process. The committee is then responsible for reviewing and recommending to the Executive Committee of the Board for the awarding of a scholarship(s) according to the established criteria.